
2021-04-08 13:24:09


sphinx使用 进入你要创建文档的目录,例如要创建在目录/home/wwwroot/doc下 cd /home/wwwroot/doc 开始使用向导创建你的文档项目 sphinx-quickstart 程序会提示输入一些选项,如输入根目录,大部分使用默认选项,直接按回车即可。 复制代码 代码如下: Enter the root path for documentation. > Root path for the documentation [.]: //输入跟目录,直接回车 You have two options for placing the build directory for Sphinx output. Either, you use a directory"_build"within the root path, or you separate"source"and"build"directories within the root path. > Separate source and build directories (y/N) [n]: //是否分离source和build目录,建议选y,方便管理 Inside the root directory, two more directories will be created;"_templates"for custom HTML templates and"_static"for custom stylesheets and other static files. You can enter another prefix (such as".") to replace the underscore. > Name prefix for templates and static dir [_]: //直接回车 The project name will occur in several places in the built documentation. > Project name: F2E Cookbook > Author name(s): imbingdian //输入项目名称 //输入作者名称 The file name suffix for source files. Commonly, this is either".txt"or".rst". Only files with this suffix are considered documents. > Source file suffix [.rst]: .txt //档文件的扩展名,默认是.rst //后面的操作基本回车就好 完成后可以看到doc文件中生了以下目录文件 build--生成文档目录 source--源文件目录 make.bat makefile 生成html文档 make html 看一下build目录下是不是生成了html文档了? ^_^ enjoy it! 查看demo:http://doc.litejs.com/ sphinx简单配置 source目录下的conf.py文件为sphinx的配置文件。 1)修改文档语言为中文: 找到#language = None,修改为:language ='zh_CN',其它语言见下表 复制代码 代码如下: bn C Bengali ca C Catalan cs C Czech da C Danish de C German en C English es C Spanish fi C Finnish fr C French hr C Croatian it C Italian ja C Japanese lt C Lithuanian nl C Dutch pl C Polish pt_BR C Brazilian Portuguese ru C Russian sl C Slovenian tr C Turkish uk_UA C Ukrainian zh_CN C Simplified Chinese zh_TW C Traditional Chinese


找到html_theme = 'default',修改default即可。目前官方提供的主题见http://sphinx.pocoo.org/theming.html#builtin-themes



设置好以后,重新make html即可。


http://sphinx.pocoo.org/contents.html http://blog.s135.com/read.php?360



