
2021-04-07 22:41:38


错误提示信息:不能确定应用到此机器的组策略安全性设置。在尝试从本地安全策略数据库(%windir% \security\database\secedit.sdb)中检索这些设置时返回的错误为: 参数不正确。所 有本地安全性设置都将被显示,但是不会指出一个给定的安全性设置是否由组策略定义 。所有由此用户界面改动的本地安全性设置都可能随后被域级的策略替代。解决方案:1.切换到命令提示符状态。(听不懂?也就是开始-运行-输入cmd.exe{有些人要问为什么要多一个.exe呢?这个纯属个人习惯,都是当年熊猫害的})2.执行esentutl /k %windir%\Security\Database\Secedit.sdb和 esentutl /g %windir%\Security\Database\Secedit.sdb对secedit.sdb进行检查。3.手工备份要修复的数据库文件。4.执行esentutl /p %windir%\Security\Database\Secedit.sdb 进行修复,系统会弹出Warning提示框:"You should only run Repair on damaged or corrupted databases.Repair will not apply information in the transaction log files to the database,and may cause information to be lost.Do you wish to proceed?"单击OK,开始修复。Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Database UtilitiesVersion 5.1Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Initiating REPAIR mode... Database: C:\WINDOWS\security\database\secedit.sdb Temp. Database: TEMPREPAIR2984.EDBChecking database integrity.The database is not up-to-date. This operation may find thatthis database is corrupt because data from the log files hasyet to be placed in the database.To ensure the database is up-to-date please use the 'Recovery' operation. Scanning Status (% complete) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| ...................................................Integrity check successful.Note: It is recommended that you immediately perform a full backup of this database. If you restore a backup made before the repair, the database will be rolled back to the state it was in at the time of that backup.Operation completed successfully in 15.765 seconds



